Creativity - Technology - Learning
Category: <span>Music</span>


Combining two of my passions, piano and algorithmic music, has resulted in the release of the second studio album by generative music group, Music Non Stop (MNS) titled CreateAlbum(“Piano”);. The album was produced during development …


T.H.E.M. (The Handmade Electric Machines) are human-powered electronic sound sculptures exploring the generation of electronic sound through the transference of energy from human kinetic action. Three T.H.E.M. each comprise two different sound and light-making mechanisms …


COUNTERSOUL is a digital media artwork created by the group Music Non Stop. (Andrew R. Brown, DEFSTALKR, and Nichaols Coleman). It makes history as the first generative musical composition to be inscribed onto the Bitcoin …

Diddley Code

This was my submission to the Genuary 2023 prompt ‘generative music’. Inspired by awesome performances on the single-string diddley bow, this work generates its sound and performance in the web browser. Using the Web Audio …

Beneath Maiwar

Beneath Maiwar is an immersive audio experience based on underwater sounds of the Brisbane river. The quadraphonic algorithmically generated audio installation provides a brief glimpse into the hidden world under the river’s surface. As a …

Botanica Soundscapes

Botanica Soundscapes are a suite of ambient musical works designed as a self-guided, mobile phone based, audio-enhanced experience of the Brisbane Botanic Gardens. Soundscapes are geotagged and triggered by location. The sound walk plays a …

Micro Mono Control

The Micro Mono Control (MMC) is a DIY MIDI controller and monophonic synthesizer based on the Arduino Pro Micro running the MIDIUSB and Mozzi audio libraries. Designed by Andrew R. Brown with great assistance from …

Audio-Visual Interiors

Audio-Visual Interiors is a quadraphonic audio-visual composition performed by the live electronic duo of John R. Ferguson and Andrew R. Brown. Both composers have developed bespoke instruments for this work. Andrew R. Brown explores ring modulation …

Pi Shaker

In late 2019 I hosted at Griffith University a visit from visiting researcher Dr. Vesa Norilo from the Sibelius Academy in Finland. During his visit, Vesa worked with me on new tools and techniques for …

Music on SoundCloud

Over the years I’ve posted various musical creations on my SoundCloud account. It provides an overview of my creative journey and features the many approaches I’ve adopted in my co-creative practice with algorithmic systems.

Sculptural Sonic Agents

Sculptural Sonic Agents is a collaboration between Andrew Brown and John Ferguson. The goal is to explore the development of sonic sculptural agents, these ‘agents’ are bespoke instruments that comprise artificial listening and sound generating capabilities. They …


A composition for live performer and algorithmic music system. Ripples is a musical duet where the human performance stimulates a cascade of responses from the machine. The work emphasises chordal and arpeggiated material derived, in …

Solo Live Coding

My creative practice includes solo live coding performances. Live Coding involves writing software that makes music (or anything else If you prefer) as pat of the performance. It is a practice that is like improvised …

Live Coding with aa-cell

With Andrew Sorensen, I’ve been part of the live coding duo aa-cell since 2005. In live coding, musical algorithms are coded and edited during the performance. Typically, the laptop screens are projected so the audience …