The Micro Mono Control (MMC) is a DIY MIDI controller and monophonic synthesizer based on the Arduino Pro Micro running the MIDIUSB and Mozzi audio libraries. Designed by Andrew R. Brown with great assistance from John Ferguson, it is motivated by our students’ need for an inexpensive MIDI controller and some experience in getting their hands dirty making electronic musical instruments.

The MMC features a range of gestural controls all of which send various MIDI messages over USB. These are: 2 axis joystick, light sensitive resistor (LDR), a 6D motion sensor with accelerometer and gyro outputs, 5 potentiometers, and 5 buttons.
The MMC is a monophonic, 2 oscillator subtractive synthesizer with controls over pitch, pitch glide, waveforms, filter, and amplitude envelope. The synth can be played or edited by the MMC controls or via external MIDI control. It includes a simple onboard generative sequencer but acts as class-compliant MIDI hardware synth for triggering by computer-based sequencers. Audio output is selectable between an on-board buzzer or external line out via a 3.5mm audio socket, a volume pot manages audio out level. It is powered by a USB cable connected to the Pro Micro.
Here is a demo track made with the MMC. All sounds from the MMC in a multitrack mix. Enjoy the low-fi instability of a very inexpensive microcontroller.